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How To Find Your Perfect Job

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How To Find Your Perfect Job

About 4 months ago By CSS People

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Do you feel like you’re moving from job to job, and you’ve never had one you really loved? It might be because you’re not sure how to find your perfect job.

CSS Recruitment places hundreds of candidates with leading businesses every year. Creating ideal matches is the key to what we do, because you don’t want just any job, and employers don’t want just any person.

Here are some of the best tips for finding your perfect job...

Think several moves ahead

Start with your long-term career goals. Thinking about where you want to be 5, 10, or 15 years from now. This will help you focus on the steps needed to get you there.Before you accept a new opportunity, consider how it will help your career.Does it advance you along a path with a goal in mind? Or are you simply reacting to the jobs that happen to be available? Too many careers are a collective of random occurrences without a long-term plan.

Connect with inspiration

Research people in jobs that interest you, as well as the paths that have led them there. LinkedIn can be a great resource. Consider asking for an informational conversation to learn more about their career journey and any advice they have for those looking to pursue a similar career. Gain insight into the actions you need to take to reach your goal and become more visible to a potential employer in the process.

Take stock of your strengths and weaknesses

The more self-aware you are, the more easily you will be able to identify your ideal job. Understand your strengths and be comfortable with your weaknesses. Look for opportunities that best fit both.

Seek organizations that align with your values

Every organization is unique, from the products and services they offer to the way they run their day-to-day operations. Pay attention to a company’s culture and values just as much as you pay attention to the job itself. The right job in the wrong organization may result in undue stress, dissatisfaction, and limit your career growth. Connect with people who already work there to get a recent, first-hand account.

Don’t wait for your ideal job to be advertised

Leverage your network and make yourself visible to the companies and industries that interest you. Be the person they think of when the next vacancy comes up. If you are the right fit for the organization then they might even create a job for you.

Don’t hesitate to apply for jobs that pique your interest

If a job ad sounds interesting and career-advancing, and you have the qualifications, apply for the job. It’s easy to get bogged down in questions and assumptions you won’t know until you have the opportunity to interview.

Consider your non-negotiables

What do you really need to be satisfied in a job? What types of challenges and environment do you need to thrive? Be honest with yourself. Think beyond money and title. Rarely will these two variables create job satisfaction if a career opportunity doesn’t fit with your other priorities, including values, work/life balance, and career growth.

Ask thoughtful questions

Whether it’s in a formal interview or an informal conversation with an organization you are interested in joining, ask questions to better understand what it would be like to work with them.

Trust your gut

If an opportunity doesn’t feel right, explore that feeling further. Don’t settle.

Connect with a recruiter

At the risk of sounding boastful, a recruiter specialized in your field can be a wealth of industry knowledge and market insight. They can share what employers are looking for and offer helpful advice on ways you can advance your career goals.